

according to Dr. Dr. H. W. Schimmel


The experience shows, that bioenergetic regulation practices can often be disturbed by own emissions of the tester and by emissions from the close environment. 

Among these are the following disturbing signals:

             electric devices
                terrestric disturbing signals
                atmospheric disturbing signals
                magnetic disturbing signals
                other ones 

Disturbances from side of the tester can be:

               dispositional respectively acquired

After a long series of intensive trials Dr. Helmut Schimmel discovered a special mixture of substances, which complied the following conditions: 

            better testing results, especially in testing malignous diseases, viruses, mycoses and geopathic charges
               minor defatigation of the tester
               reproducible testing results with the same patient in the course of days and weeks

The mentioned mixture of substances has got the name "ABSORBER". According to comprehensive practical experience inland and in foreign countries the "ABSORBER" shows the following effects:

           Extinguishes constitutional „Black-Bands“ ( body´s own disturbing emissions of the tester up to the patient )
              Extinguishes pathological own emissions, e.g. connected with organic diseases ( heart, intestine, kidneys etc. )
              Eliminates disturbing noise signals from the environment
              Stops defatigation
              Is not person-specific
              Is not method-specific

A detailed description with the characteristics and applicability of "ABSORBER" you will find enclosed with the product (if you want to receive a description in english, please specify with your order).


order number:       8876000

net-price:                  €  85,00