A.S.K.-Complex KERN


Arnica Dil. D 30 / D 200
Silicea Dil. D 30 / D200
Natrium muriaticum Dil. D 30 / D 200
Belladonna Dil. D 8 / D 30
Plumbum aceticum Dil. D 6 / D 12
Cactus Dil. D 6 / D 12
Calcium phosphoricum Dil. D 8 / D 30
Kalium jodatum Dil. D 6 / D 12

aa. partes.

Side effects:
None known.

None known.
Because of its alcohol content, A.S.K.-Complex KERN should not be used for alcohol-sick persons. In case of hepatic disease, epilepsy or brain diseases A.S.K.-Complex KERN should be used only after consultation with the physician.

Inter-actions with other medicaments:
None known.

Dosage recommended according to many year´s experiences:
15-20 drops 3 times daily dropped onto the tongue or placed in a little water. Half dose for children.

available in 20 ml and 50 ml dropper bottles