lege artis potentised
trees in homoeopathy
A branch of homeopathy has recently experienced an enormous boom - "tree homeopathy".
For example, the Berlin homeopath Maria von Heyden - based on her therapeutic experiences with the linden tree - has worked extensively with trees in recent years and described a total of 27 trees with their specific medicinal images, their signatures, their history and their mythology.
Every tree is a miracle of nature. The tree's roots are deeply connected to the earth that nourishes it. At the same time he strives with his crown upwards towards heaven and light. Trees have always had a special meaning for people. In many myths, the tree was seen as a mediator between the worlds and, due to its age, was a symbol of eternity. Trees were considered sacred in many cultures.
Trees have a wide variety of growth forms, sometimes small like a bush, sometimes with a strong, long trunk and a high crown, sometimes the woody parts are too weak to resist gravity. The plant then looks for a neighboring tree to stretch itself up its trunk.
Every tree creates its own climate, embodies its own field. Trees are considered guardians of ancient knowledge, giving us spaces to pause and reflect. In the forest, the mindful person finds confidence, regeneration and often surprising new perspectives. "Forest therapy" or "forest bathing" uses these properties.
The energy fields of the trees are carefully opened up in the homoeopathic manufacturing process and preserved in their homeopathic potency.
MERIPHARM has put together this testkit. It contains over 100 trees from all six continents.
no. | name | potency | scientific name | |
| Europe | |||
| 01 | Acer campestre | D6 | Acer campestre L. Europe, West Asia |
| 02 | Aesculus | D6 | Aesculus hippocastanum L. |
03 | Agnus castus | D4 | Vitex agnus-castus L. | |
| 04 | Alnus glutinosa | D6 | Alnus glatinosa (L.) GARTN. black elder Europe, also regions of Asia and Africa |
| 05 | Betula alba | D6 | Betula pendula ROTH, Betula alba ROTH weeping birch Middle Europe, Scandinavia, Sibiria |
| 06 | Buxus sempervirens | D6 | Buxus sempervirens L. Mediterranean area, cultivated in Middle Europe |
| 07 | Carpinus betulus | D6 | Carpinus betulus L. common hornbeam Middle Europe, Balkans, Italia |
| 08 | Castanea vesca | D6 | Castanea vesca MILL. sweet chestnut Mediterranean area, Asia Minor, imported to Middle Europe |
| 09 | Citrus limon | D6 | Citrus x limon (L.) OSBECK lemon tree South Europe, Mediterranian area |
| 10 | Coryllus avellana | D6 | Coryllus avellana L. common hazel Europe, Anatolia, Caucasus |
| 11 | Crataegus | D6 | Crataegus monogyna JACQ., Crataegus oxyacantha L., Crataegus levigata hawthorn, whitethorn Europe, West Asia, Northwest Africa |
| 12 | Cupressus sempervirens | D6 | Cupressus sempervirens L. Europe, Mediterranean area |
| 13 | Fagus silvatica | D6 | Fagus silvatica L. |
| 14 | Ficus carica | D6 | Ficus carica L. fig tree Mediterranean area |
| 15 | Frangula | D12 | Rhamnus frangula L. alder buckthorn Europe, parts of West Asia and North Africa |
| 16 | Juniperus communis | D6 | Juniperus communis L. common juniper Europe,practically the entire northern hemisphere |
| 17 | Pinus montana | D6 | Pinus mugo TURRA mountain pine Europe, mountains and low mountain ranges |
| 18 | Pinus silvestris | D6 | Pinus silvestris L. Scotch pine Europe, all the way to Sibiria |
| 19 | Platanus | D6 | Platanus L. plane tree temperate zones of Europe, Asia and North America |
| 20 | Populus alba | D6 | Populus alba L. white poplar Europe, West Sibiria, West Asia, North Africa |
| 21 | Populus nigra | D6 | Populus nigra L. black poplar Europe |
| 22 | Populus tremula | D6 | Populus tremula L. Europe, West Asia, North Africa |
| 23 | Prunus spinosa | D6 | Prunus spinosa L. blackthorn Europe, Near East, North Africa |
| 24 | Quercus e glandibus | D6 | Quercus robur L., Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Quercus pubescens Willd. oak Europe, practically the entire northern hemisphere |
| 25 | Rhamnus cathartica | D6 | Rhamnus cathartica L. purging buckthorn Europe, West Asia, North Africa |
| 26 | Sabina | D6 | Juniperus sabina L. savin, savin juniper Europe, parts of Asia |
| 27 | Salix alba | D6 | Salix alba L. Europe, West Asia, North Africa |
| 28 | Salix purpurea | D6 | Salix purpurea L. purple willow Europe, Asia |
| 29 | Sorbus aucuparia | D6 | Sorbus aucuparia L. rowan tree, mountain ash Europe, West Sibiria |
| 30 | Taxus baccata | D6 | Taxus baccata L. (European) jew Europe, Near East, Northwest Africa |
| 31 | Tilia europaea | D12 | Tilia cordata Mill. small leaved lime: large leaved lime: |
| 32 | Ulmus | D6 | Ulmus laevis Pall. fluttering elm Middle Europe |
| 33 | Viburnum opulus | D6 | Viburnum opulus L. cramp bark, snowball tree Eurasia |
North America | ||||
| 34 | Abies alba | D6 | Picea alba, |
| 35 | Abies canadensis | D6 | Tsuga canadensis (L.) Cariérre Canadian hemlock Canada, northern part of the USA |
| 36 | Abies nigra | D6 | Picea nigra, syn.: Picea mariana (Mill.) Britt., E.E. Sterns & Poggenburg Canada, northern part of the USA |
| 37 | Acer negundo | D4 | Acer negundo L. |
| 38 | Aesculus glabra | D6 | Aesculus glabra Willd. Ohio buckeye North America |
| 39 | Alnus serrulata | D6 | Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willd. hazel alder North America, eastern part |
| 40 | Cascara sagrada | D6 | Rhamnus purshiana DC. cascara buckthorn |
| 41 | Ceanothus americanus | D6 | Ceanothus americanus L. American bush North America, eastern parts |
| 42 | Cornus circinata | D6 | Cornus circinata, syn.: Cornus rugosa Lam. roundleaf dogwood North America, central and eastern parts |
| 43 | Cupressus lawsonia | D6 | Chamaecyparis lawsonia (A. Murr.) Parl. 1868 Lawson´s cypress West Coast of North America |
| 44 | Fraxinus americana | D6 | Fraxinus americana L. white ash, American ash eastern part of North America |
| 45 | Hamamelis | D6 | Hamamelis virginiana L. (American) witch hazel eastern part of North America, Mexico, imported into Europe |
46 | Juglans cinerea | D6 | Juglans cinerea L. butternut, white walnut North America, in Europe in botanical gardens | |
| 47 | Juniperus virginiana | D6 | Juniperus virginiana L. eastern juniper, pencil cedar eastern part of North America |
| 48 | Myrica cerifera | D6 | Myrica cerifera (L.) Small candle tree |
| 49 | Populus candicans | D6 | Populus balsamifera L. balsam poplar northern part of North America |
50 | Ptelea trifoliata | D6 | Ptelea trifoliata L. hoptree, wafer ash North America, Mexico | |
| 51 | Robinia pseudoacacia | D6 | Robinia pseudoacacia L. locust tree, white locust North America, in Europe in botanical gardens |
| 52 | Salix nigra | D6 | Salix nigra Marshall (American) black willow eastern part of North America |
| 53 | Sassafras | D6 | Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees red sassafras, white sassafras, silky sassafras eastern part of North America |
| 54 | Sequoja gigantea | D6 | Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz redwood Western North America, Sierra Nevada, cultivated worldwide |
| 55 | Thuja | D6 | Thuja occidentalis L. eastern white cedar North America, cultivated in Europe |
| 56 | Viburnum prunifolium | D6 | Viburnum prunifolium L. blackhaw eastern part of North America |
| South America | |||
| 57 | Anacardium occidentale | D6 | Anacardium occidentale L. cashew tree Northern Brasil |
58 | Angostura | D12 | Angostura trifoliata (Willd.) T.S. Elias; syn.: Cusparia febrifuga Humb. angostura tree South America | |
| 59 | Araroba | D6 | Andira araroba (Aguiar.) goa tree eastern Brasil |
| 60 | Boldo | D6 | Pneumus boldus Molina boldo Chile, Peru |
| 61 | Carica papaya | D6 | Carica papaya L. papaya tree South America, Central America, cultivated in tropical and subtropical zones |
| 62 | Cascarilla | D4 | Croton eluteria (L.) W. Wright in Sw. cascarilla tree Carribean, tropical South America |
| 63 | Cedron | D6 | Simba cedron Planch., syn.: Arubra cedron (Planch.) Kuntze; Quassia cedron (Planch.) Beill. quassia tree Mexico, Central America, Colombia |
| 64 | China | D5 | Cinchona pubenscens Vahl, syn.: Cinchona succirubra Pev. ex Klotzsch cinchona tree Mittelamerika, westliches Südamerika, Kolumbien |
| 65 | China regia | D6 | Cinchona calisaya Wedd.; Cinchona officinalis L. yellow cinchona tree Colombia, Equador, Peru, Bolivia |
| 66 | Condurango | D6 | Marsdenia condurango Rchb. Fil. condurango tree Colombia, Equador, Peru |
| 67 | Guajacum | D8 | Guajacum officinale L. pockwood tree Carribean, Venezuela, Guyana, Central America |
| 68 | Guarana | D6 | Paullinia cupana Kunth guarana (woody liana) Amazon basin |
| 69 | Hura brasiliensis | D12 | Hura crepitans L. sandbox tree, possumwood Central America, Caribbean, South America |
| 70 | Jaborandi | D5 | Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. paraguay jaborandi Paraguay, Argentina, southern Brasil |
| 71 | Jacaranda caroba | D6 | Jacaranda caroba (Vell.) DC. brasilian caroba tree Mexico, Brasil |
| 72 | Jatropha curcas | D12 | Jatropha curcas L. purging nut, Barbados nut Central America, Caribbean, South America |
| 73 | Mancinella | D6 | Hippomane mancinella L. manchineel tree Florida, Bahamas, Caribbean, Central America, northern South America |
| 74 | Muira puama | D6 | Psychopetalum olacoides Benth. potency wood northern South America |
75 | Myristica sebifera | D5 | Virola sebifera Aubl. red ucuuba Central America, South America | |
| 76 | Palosanto | D6 | Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch. "palo santo", holy wood Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru |
| 77 | Pichi-Pichi | D6 | Fabiana imbricata Ruiz & Pav. PichiPichi Northern Chile |
| 78 | Quassia amara | D6 | Quassia amara L. brasilian quassia tree Brasil |
| 79 | Quebracho | D6 | Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schltdl quebracho tree Northern Argentina |
| 80 | Quillaja | D6 | Quillaja saponaria Molina soap bark tree Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil |
| 81 | Sangra drago | D8 | Croton lechleri Müll. Arg. dragon´s blood Peru |
| 82 | Theobroma cacao | D6 | Theobroma cacao L. cacao tree, cocoa tree |
| 83 | Thevetia neriifolia | D6 | Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex Steud. luckynut tree |
| 84 | Tonca | D4 | Diopteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd. tonka bean tree northern South America, cultivated in Nigeria, Kenia |
| 85 | Uncaria tomentosa | D6 | Uncaria tomentosa (Willd.) DC. cat´s claw, "Una de Gato" South America |
| Africa | |||
| ||||
| 86 | Calabar | D6 | Physostigma venenosum Balf. calabar bean (woody liana) Guinea, Nigeria |
| 87 | Coffea | D6 | Coffea arabica L. coffee tree, coffee bush Tropical Africa, grown in tropical areas worldwide |
| 88 | Haronga | D6 | Harunga madagascariensis La. ex Poir. haronga tree, orange milk tree East Africa, Madagascar |
| 89 | Kola | D6 | Cola vera, Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott & Endl. cola nut, cola nut tree Sub-Sahara - Central Africa |
| 90 | Strophantus | D6 | Strophantus gratus (Wall. & Hook.) Baill. strophantus tree tropical West Africa and west-central tropical Africa |
| 91 | Strophantus hispidus | D12 | Strophantus hispidus DC. strophantus tree tropical West Africa to Tanzania and Angola |
| 92 | Yohimbe | D4 | Pausinystalia johimbe, syn.: Corynanthe johimbe K. Schum. yohimbe tree Central Africa |
| Asia | | ||
| 93 | Ailanthus glandulosa | D6 | Ailanthus glandulosa, syn.: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle chinese tree of heaven, chinese sumac China, Vietnam, cultivated worldwide |
| 94 | Caryophyllus | D6 | Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry clove tree Moluccas, Madagascar, cultivated worldwide in tropical areas |
| 95 | Croton tiglion | D6 | Croton tiglion L. croton oil tree, purging tree Moluccas, India, aroud the Indian Ocean |
| 96 | Cinnamomum | D6 | Cinnamomum verum J. Presl. Cinnamomum caylanicum (Blume) true cinnamon |
| 97 | Cydonia vulgaris | D4 | Cydonia oblonga Mill. quince tree Caucasus, Iran, Afghanistan, cultivated in Europe |
| 98 | Ficus religiosa | D6 | Ficus religiosa L. peepul tree, Bodhi tree India, Indochina |
| 99 | Ginkgo biloba | D6 | Ginkgo biloba L. ginkgo tree China, cultivated worldwide |
| 100 | Ignatia | D6 | Stryhnos ignatii P.J. Bergius Ignatius bean China, Southeast Asia |
| 101 | Juglans | D6 | Juglans regia L. walnut tree Near and Central Asia, cultivated in Europe and North America, partly escaped |
| 102 | Laurus nobilis | D6 | Laurus nobilis L. laurel tree, bay tree Near East, Mediterranean region, North America Pcific region |
| 103 | Myrrha | D6 | Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. myrrh tree Arabian peninsula, East Africa |
| 104 | Nux moschata | D6 | Myristica fragrans (Houtt.) nutmeg tree Moluccas, tropical Asia, cultivated in Africa and South America |
| 105 | Nux vomica | D5 | Strychnos nux-vomica L. poison nut, nux vomica Southeast Asia |
| 106 | Rhododendron | D5 | Rhododendron aureum Georgi, Rhododendron sampylocarpum Hook. rhododendron Asia, North America, Europe |
| 107 | Santalum album | D6 | Santalum album L. white sandalwood India, Indonesia, Southeast Asia |
| 108 | Santalum rubrum | D6 | Pterocarpus santalinus (L.f.) red sandalwood India |
| 109 | Syzygium jambolanum | D5 | Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels black plum, jambolan tree India, Southeast Asia |
| Australia | | ||
| 110 | Alstonia constricta | D6 | Alstonia constricta F. Muell. bitter bark tree, quinine tree Australia |
| 111 | Eucalyptus | D6 | Eucalyptus globulus Labill. eucalyptus tree Australia, grown in southern Europe and South Africa |
order no.: 8640000
net price € 455,00